
Author: Edouard Alligand

Benchmarking timeseries ingress

This post is part of a series about the challenges behind database performance and how to accurately assess it. Purpose of an ingress benchmark When evaluating a timeseries database management system (later referred as TSDBMS or TSDB), one important dimension is the ingress speed (a.k.a. insertion or ingestion), that is, how fast the database can […]

Database performance

This port is the first in a series about the challenges behind database performance and how to accurately assess it. In future posts, we will dig more into the specifics of benchmarks and design choices. The Penrose stairs of performance If you are following database innovation you can see that nearly every database vendor out […]

Secure by default

The security debacle. As a database user or administrator, you may have learnt that MongoDB recently took a very serious hit. A hit of over 28,000 hacked installs.

Time series in quasardb

At first an interrogation – At the beginning, there was a question. Why are we waiting for machines to give us an answer? Why aren’t we able to analyze everything in real time?

C++ Braced Initialization

Since C++ 11 it’s possible to use braces for construction and initialization. Although this is something you could ignore for the code you write, it’s obviously important to know for the code you may read.

When noexcept?

In a previous post, we had a look at the new constexpr keyword that has been introduced in C++ 11. Today we’ll study another new fancy specifier: noexcept.
