
Quasar 3.10.1 “Marcus Aurelius” Stable Released

3 years ago

This is the stable 3.10 branch, not to be confused with the 3.13 branch.

We are very happy to announce the immediate availability of QuasarDB 3.10.1, a stable version update from 3.10.0.

This update features improvements to the ASOF JOINS capabilities as well as several bug fixes. We also updated the .NET API with the latest batch writer.

Get QuasarDB 3.10.1 here!

QuasarDB is also available on the AWS marketplace.

32-bit and 64-bit ARM binaries for Linux are now included with every release.

Change log

(w.r.t. 3.10.0)

  • Protocol version 37
  • [daemon] Add support for cgroups v2
  • [daemon] Add support for rate limit
  • [daemon] Add support for user dynamic configuration reloading and update
  • [daemon] Fix rare permission error in transactions
  • [net] Add support for the new batch API
  • [net] Fix several stability issues
  • [query] Accept ip() in INSERT/UPDATE
  • [query] Add support for % operator
  • [query] Add support for ASOF INTERPOLATE and LOOKBACK
  • [query] Add support for DATEPART
  • [query] Add support for TRIM TABLE
  • [query] Fix LOOKUP error on aggregation
  • [query] Fix several ASOF + GROUP BY errors
  • [query] Improve cast syntax flexibility
