Company Information

QuasarDB SAS au capital de 145,419 €
SIRET: 502 952 435 00027
RCS: Paris 502 952 435

48 rue Croix des Petits Champs
F-75001 Paris

TVA: FR 07502952435

Hosting: WP Engine

Reproduction in whole or in part, in any format, without written consent is strictly prohibited.


Security Commitment

At Quasar, security is always at the top of the list.
As a provider for the U.S. Federal government, a NATO-registered company, and a partner with some of the largest companies in the world, Quasar is humbled to be entrusted with critical assets and operations.
This is why we take security extremely seriously, from inception to deployment.
We understand security is a process, not a feature, requiring constant improvement.
Learn more about what we do for your security in our trust center.


Terms Of Service

Our terms of service are available here.


Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is available here.