
Author: Edouard Alligand

Demystifying constexpr

C++ 11 and C++ 14 came with a lot of new features. People tend to focus on lambdas and rvalue references, but today I’d like to talk about constexpr.

Right to data

Computers have been invented to compute large amounts of data at very high speed, relative to the human brain speed. In a sense, computers have always been about “big data”. Although “big data” is probably more a marketing term than a technical one, we must acknowledge that we are at a threshold where data mining […]

C++ complexity: it’s a feature

One of the constant reproaches we can hear about C++ is that it is too complex, too hard, too unsafe and has too many features, really these r-value references are useless and dangerous and why would you need variadic templates anyway, and “lol” you are still managing memory manually in 2016.

Debugging in GDB from Visual Studio

I wanted to share some tips and tricks for those of you who use a recently released Visual Studio GDB Debugger extension. You may want to read the announcing blog post as well.
